Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What if?

"Cause I could spend my life just trying to sift through what I could've done better but what good do 'what ifs' do?"

My friend posted this on facebook today. (I told you there's inspiration on that crazy website...) I believe there's a lot of wisdom in that statement.

Life is full of things we regret. Because we're human. The result of those choices we're not so fond of are the questions that start with "what if..." There's a lot of dangerous things inside a "what if." I for one, can think of a long list of things I'd like to change. I could ponder and think about it and wonder how different my life would be right now if I had made the right choices or simply just different choices. Or actually just made a choice instead of procrastinating. But. What will that do? If I dream about it enough, can I change my past? Can I transport to a different life's path? The only thing that is really being accomplished when I lay on my bed and wonder lack of sleep. And an upset stomach.

Wishing and wondering and regretting.

Choosing to learn and move forward is the bravest thing to do. It's letting go of your 'what if' and taking hold of something else.  To know that you're still on a journey that's taking you somewhere. Knowing you've messed up, but knowing it's going to be alright.

God's like a GPS. That's what my friend tells me. She says that when we make the wrong turn, God just redirects us so that we still end up exactly where He wants us. And I think she's right.

Let go and trust. He's big enough to get you where you need to be. And fix the things in the past. He's the only one who can reach back there and change the way it effects you.

 I mean. Hello? He's God. 

1 comment:

  1. hey! i posted that on facebook :)

    I'm glad that it could inspire this post. everything you said is soooo true!
