Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I am well aware that I need to get ready for work...

Good morning.

It's eleven fifty-four in the A.M. So. Technically I am still allowed to call this space in time "morning."

I sat in bed, eyes scratchy from being so tired, with a book in my hand until nearly 3AM last night. The battles were too intense...I couldn't put the book down. What if the dragon really did kill the hero? What if the monster won?
It turns out the bad guy escaped (GASP!), but the knight in shining armor also escaped. (Cue relieved sigh.)
And then.
The book ended.
So, now, thanks to the creative and captivating mind of the author...I will be going out and buying the sequel.
I have no choice. I must find out what happens next...

Sidenote. I am happy to inform you that I have decided what I am going to dress up as for the October festivities. I'll leave you hanging in suspense for now, though. But I am psyched! Eeek!

On another note. I am convinced I am dating Adventure. My love interest is bursting with ideas and dreams. And when I say bursting...I mean it. He's splitting at the seams. Entrepreneur goals, endless career ideas. Spilling out. All over the place. You can't go close to the man without getting drenched in his creativity. If he lived to see a hundred years, I don't know if he could accomplish everything he's got pented up inside. Just because there's so much.

People like that are contagious. They make you want to dream bigger and think outside of yourself. Maybe you really can do things that the majority of people are afraid to do. With enough determination and drive and trust in Jesus (that's a big one), the almost incomprehensible sketches in your head can escape the confines of your mind and step out and become buildings you can touch, see, open the door and walk in. It's a beautiful thing to think about. It can be scary. But, in the end, that's what we're called to do, isn't it? To do that which looks impossible? To be what we thought we couldn't be. Because, though we can't see it, it's already there. The sketches in our head are already standing out in front of us. We just have to open our minds and paint them so others can see them. Because we can do the impossible things. We were created to. Because the blood that runs in us is the blood that conquered the world. Our hearts beat to a rhythm that God designed. He continually calls us to be what we can't see. But He can see it. He sees us at our full potential. Uncovering mysteries, being fearless, and walking as kings and queens. Reigning over the earth and walking in dimensions we can't see with our blinded eyes.

He's called us to dream bigger dreams. Love with more compassion. Walk on water. Live. Outside of the confines of our minds. Inside His dreams.

We can defeat the dragon. In this book. We don't have to wait for the sequel to come out.

Loves. xo



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