Saturday, January 29, 2011

Long distance life..

Mostly my life has been about long distance. Moving every other year growing up meant that I was always saying good bye. The fact that I was home schooled (Save the jokes) helped. And the fact that my three brothers were the best play mates helped also. But still. I never had a best friend that lasted for long because of the moves. And when your eight years old, most of your friends aren't great pen pals. So therefore, the long distance friendships kinda fall away.

Now that I'm older and have lived in the same place for more than a year has helped. But I have long distance relationships still. My closest friend is always traveling the world and currently resides in Colorado. And the love of my life lives on the other side of the country as well (in the opposite direction). Everyone is always...not where I am. (Except at least I'm with my family right now. Which is great. They're wonderful and I'm trying not to take a moment for granted...which of course I still do...) It can wear on you after a while. But that's the way it is, so you suck it up and you're happy that they're even in your life.

I wish I could fly everyone home to me. Just send them a piece of paper. Then they could fold it up into a plane. And come home to me. We could have picnics and go to the movies and laugh. Like we were 19 years old and still hung out after bible school. Bible school was the most carefree and happiest days of my so far life. But I know the best are yet to come.

So I'm going to dream up plans to get the people I love to my side. And dream up adventures. Because God loves adventures. And so do I. And He promised me that I'd go on them...

I should become a flight attendant. I don't know why I'm not.

Because of all this long distance. I applied for a credit card. Not so I can go in debt. But so I can build my credit score...and get free miles with their reward program. I haven't been approved yet but I believe I have favor. And I need some free miles. Long distance relationships are expensive.....

Love. From far away, I'm sure.

P.S. I had a photo shoot with an paper airplane. They're super lame. Enjoy:)

I made this paper airplane.

Then, I ate it.

Then I looked at it.

And it crashed into me.

And then I got bored of the airplane...


I guess I'll have to come up with a new idea from bringing people home to me...

It's a beautiful day.

The sun is shining, the birds are chirping and it feels like summer. High of 75. It couldn't be more perfect.

It makes me miss my love...

One day....

Friday, January 28, 2011

Oh what to wear...

As you know, my little brother is getting married. Or maybe you didn't know. But now you do.

I've been looking all over the internet for a dress to wear to the celebration of love. But I haven't had a lot of luck. I bought a black dress with great style....but when I received it in the mail didn't fit that well. (sad face) So I'm still on the search.

I wish I could find a dress like this. 
(And if I could get my love interest to dress like this, that'd be even better.... ) 

Still on the look out... 

Oh my dear...

These are the colors playing in my head today....


 And this is the song playing in my mind...I love how beautiful it is and how it protrays mercy and love so well.

Have a lovely day..

Thursday, January 27, 2011

I didn't think it was true..

But The Office will always make me laugh. Always.

I hulu-ed a random episode in a random season tonight. I'm not up to date on everything... seeing as  I haven't watched it in two years...but I once again find myself cracking up at how ridiculous it is.

I'm off work tomorrow, so I think I'll stay up late hanging out with my old TV friends. ha.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Thrifting and editing clothing...

I think I should have taken classes in fashion. Just because of the fact that no matter where I am in life...I'll always need to wear clothes. (I don't plan on joining a nudest colony any time in my earthly life...) So it would definitely be worth my time. My mom tried to teach me to sew on the sewing machine once. We made pajama pants. I should say that I attempted to make them. One leg was a wide bell and the other one was super skinny (This was before skinny jeans were cool again...) Let's just say I was pretty frustrated by the end and swore off sewing. But lately I've been dreaming of reinventing my closet. And I've been wanting to go to thrift stores and buying outdated things and making them new again. I found an old handmade wedding dress today at the Salvation Army and had great plans for it. I didn't buy it...but I keep thinking about it, so I may go back tomorrow before work and snatch it up. It can be my first real attempt at altering a vintage piece. I don't own a sewing machine...but I've got two hands and a thread and needle. I think I can take the challenge...

On another note. I lose my rings. All the time. I used to have a bunch of really rad ones from a friend of mine. They didn't fit her and she gave them to me...score. Of course...I lost them one day to my dismay. But not to my surprise. I have a really special ring that I wear everyday from my love interest. He gave it to me as a promise ring....promising to come back for me one day. So, I've been wearing it faithfully ever since. Except for the few times when I almost lost it. Last month I tragically lost it again. I prayed frantically and found it (praise God) and decided it's time to invest in a ring holder. I've been looking for one diligently ever since and haven't found anything suitable to my taste. Until today. I found a sweet little bunny with perfect ears for rings. So here he is.

When I bought him for 99 cents I planned on painting him to give him a new life. But he's so sweet, I'm not sure if I will.... we'll just see. But for now. He's doing his job and keeping my ring safely in sight. I hope this is the solution to my ring-losing-habit. Tattooed rings are cool...but I really want a real wedding band if I can keep from losing it...

Speaking of tattoos. Everytime I want to get a tattoo I think of myself as an old woman with Not so classy...

That was a sidenote.
Anyways. That's all for tonight. I'm skyping my man so....
Peace and love.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

It's sunny in Philadelphia but it's grey in this part of town...

I have this whole. weekend. off. 


So far I've spent it talking to my love interest. Texting. Telephoning. Skyping.... Yes, all the forms of long distance communication. It's been great. Seeing as our correspondence has become a bit infrequent as of lately. And I'm reminded again why I love the man. And why he's so great. 

There's rumors we may travel the world to japan with the marines. CH53 guys are all heading that way. So I may have an endless summer next year...which I'm definitely okay with. And if we end up moving to Cali...I'm cool with that too. I'll have to teach myself to long board and talk like a beach bum. I'm excited for the adventures that are awaiting us....just a few more months...

Soon I'll say goodbye to these grey skies... 


P.S. It's my mom's birthday tomorrow and she still looks 30. She's pretty gorgeous. ;)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

When I grow up...

I want to be like this beautiful woman. She's beautiful inside and out. She loves Jesus so passionately and it reflects in everything she does. She's super creative and has so much's bursting at the seams. She's has worked so hard to be who and where she is today and she's always giving.

 Promise Tangeman-Wurzell

I'm inspired. I hope you are too.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

There's been a tornado in here...

It's supposed to snow tonight. I'm huddled in my room with my space heater on and my colored pencils surrounding my feet. I don't think my space heater is really working. And the pencils won't stay organized. I organize them....and then they end up sprawled all over the place. You know how people say that your work space reflects your brain and your thoughts? Well. There you have it. I've just revealed my innermost being.

I. Am. Chaotic.

My thoughts are tangled and tripping over each other. All. The. Time. Where I work I have a little work space where I work on the products we sell. Mine most likely will have utensils and tools and various other things cluttering every available space. I don't even know how I get anything done. My rad coworker, on the other hand, has everything lined up and put in little piles. I try really hard to keep it all together...but in the end, my tangles overtake everything else. I don't know why. I don't think I always was like this. But growing up and experiencing different things have changed me and stirred up all the things inside. And so here I am. I've had some best friends through the years...but I wonder if I'm really how they remember me...because I feel as though I've changed into someone I don't always recognize. I don't think it's necessarily bad. Just different. But that's what happens when you grow up. My love interest says he loves watching me grow up. He thinks it's a beautiful thing to experience. Like I'm 7 years old or something. Just kidding ha. Sometimes I already feel grown. But other times I feel like such a child. So, I guess I've got more growing to do. More living and more learning.

I still spill my coffee. Don't worry.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

It's about time...

I got over my complex of being taller than significant others...

(My computer is freakin out and not uploading these photos right side up. Apologies.)

Because I'm missing out on all kinds of heels I could be rockin...

P.S. I've been ripping up and sewing my clothes back together. I might let you in on some of the little projects I've been doing late at night....just maybe.


Friday, January 14, 2011

fifteen minute post.

So Mister Love is back in contact. He survived the torturous adventure. I felt better about his school when I didn't know what happened...but he came out on top, so that's what's important. I'm so proud of him for being so strong.

On a sidenote, I recently deleted my facebook. I feel like I left a world behind. And it's so freeing. It's just facebook....but it's nice to no longer be a part of it's addictive dullness. I was really nervous to delete it.... and that's when I realized that we make things bigger than they are. We identify with them. Who will I be if I leave this behind? What will happen? Nothing. We put more emphasis on things that aren't really that big of a deal. We obsess over things and make them into who we are.  But who you are is the beautiful spirit that thrives on God and His love. And so I'm embracing that reality with open arms. And with my recent cut on hours at work, that gives me more time to spend with Him. One less thing to divide my already divided attention.

Well. A couple days ago I was so full of things to write about. But it was 12AM and I needed to go to bed. So I decided I'd write tomorrow. But it never happened. And now I need to leave for work and don't have time to release all the thoughts that I had been swimming around in my heart.

Another time. Farewell.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Today's the lazy day...

Today is my day off. This is what it looks like:

Painting and listening to dear Mr. Wommack..
Painting silly pictures...
This is my companion today...sweet Riley...
Pumpkin spice candle, French Vanilla coffee and some white rice...

Be back later. xo

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.

Lazy Sunday afternoons....

Making up words, hoping for snow, and missing my beau...

Eating toast and hot chocolate and teasing my brothers....

Shopping online and telling stories...

Wearing sweats and wasting the day...

And dreaming of more paints...

Goodnight, ladies and gentlemen. 
My heart is lonely but my future is bright. xo

update: as of 01.09.11 3:20PM....snow is falling on the ground. xo

Monday, January 3, 2011

I'll find my way someday..

I was telling a couple friends the other day about my life story. Where I'm from and where I'm going. Only the going part wasn't really long. Because I always grew up as the little girl who never knew who she wanted to be. I told people I wanted to be a veterinarian because I liked puppies..but not because I really wanted to be that. It just sounded better than saying "I don't know." (I think I once told someone that I wanted to be a vegetarian by accident....but that's a sidenote.)

I've realized a lot of my life is just a lot of learning experiences. They're all leading up to something, I'm sure. But I'm just not sure about the part they're leading up to. You see...everything I've done up 'til now has taught me to be patient, how to stand on my own two feet and be brave, how to shove myself out there and be friendly even when I'm feeling shy as a turtle, how to deal with hateful people, how to lead and make decisions as a boss, how to push myself as far as my body will let me in the form of over-working, how to push feelings aside and be happy, how to live apart from the people i love most, and various other things. By making this list, it sounds like I am a well put together and mature individual. Which could be true...but I have a lot more learning to do...

But realizing this makes me feel better about all my wandering. And my floundering as some have said. Because for some reason, I'm learning all these life experiences. And I'm not sure what they're leading to. But it's all about the journey right? They say, don't rush to the end, because God's interested in the journey. So I'll keep marching on through the maze...xo
