Sunday, January 9, 2011

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.

Lazy Sunday afternoons....

Making up words, hoping for snow, and missing my beau...

Eating toast and hot chocolate and teasing my brothers....

Shopping online and telling stories...

Wearing sweats and wasting the day...

And dreaming of more paints...

Goodnight, ladies and gentlemen. 
My heart is lonely but my future is bright. xo

update: as of 01.09.11 3:20PM....snow is falling on the ground. xo

1 comment:

  1. "My heart is lonely but my future is bright. xo"

    It first I read: "My HAIR is lonely.."

    haha. i didn't get it at first.

    I probably substituted HAIR for HEART because I was looking at your fantastical hair in your picture. You're looking so grown up not Abbie!!

    Also, your painting is superb. Top notch.
