Friday, January 14, 2011

fifteen minute post.

So Mister Love is back in contact. He survived the torturous adventure. I felt better about his school when I didn't know what happened...but he came out on top, so that's what's important. I'm so proud of him for being so strong.

On a sidenote, I recently deleted my facebook. I feel like I left a world behind. And it's so freeing. It's just facebook....but it's nice to no longer be a part of it's addictive dullness. I was really nervous to delete it.... and that's when I realized that we make things bigger than they are. We identify with them. Who will I be if I leave this behind? What will happen? Nothing. We put more emphasis on things that aren't really that big of a deal. We obsess over things and make them into who we are.  But who you are is the beautiful spirit that thrives on God and His love. And so I'm embracing that reality with open arms. And with my recent cut on hours at work, that gives me more time to spend with Him. One less thing to divide my already divided attention.

Well. A couple days ago I was so full of things to write about. But it was 12AM and I needed to go to bed. So I decided I'd write tomorrow. But it never happened. And now I need to leave for work and don't have time to release all the thoughts that I had been swimming around in my heart.

Another time. Farewell.


  1. Anxiously awaiting your swimming thoughts!

    xo, Miss K

  2. Ah yes, I remember the day you deleted Facebook...again. And I am still sad about it :( I liked seeing you on there and you're like half the people I talk to on there anyways! ha
