Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hello from far away..

It's been a while. A long while. A long long while.

But here I am. Back. For a little while. At least for today.

I've been working 50+ hours at work...giving me only enough time to eat one meal and sleep for a couple hours before doing it all over again. Hooray for busyness.

Also my love interest is in town. What a sweet man he is. And leaving next week. Ah. Time flies too fast.

Today I am attending a funeral. For a woman I only hardly knew. The sweet old lady lived to 92 yrs and was still driving her car and kickin it like she was in her 40's.  A woman full of love, who touched so many lives.

Funny how death makes you think of life. And how short it is. And how important it is. And how we disregard it so easily. It makes me wonder what I'm doing with mine. Is the life I'm living worthwhile? Am I really living it to the fullest? Am I using all my resources and stretching my heart as far as it can go? Am I finding reasons every day for living? Am I choosing who I want to be each day? Choosing to love instead of hate. Choosing to laugh instead of cry. Choosing to relax instead of stressing. Choosing to be who I am instead of someone else. Choosing to accept rather than compare. Choosing to be. And do. And rest. All in God. For in Him all things are complete. And all the things that are unraveling....He'll pick up and resolve.

Oh, life.
To live would be a very great adventure.
So do it.

And be who you are. Because why would you want to be anyone else when you can be you? No one else will ever have your fingerprints and no one will do what only you can do in your own way.


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