Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My thoughts run on uncommon paths these days...

Go ahead. Call me crazy, silly and immature. But I find Stephenie Meyer's novels to be enthralling. Yes... sparkly vampires are ridiculous. Yes, aliens will never take over our bodies. But still....they make me wish my life was an ounce as exciting as the dangers of each page. No. I am not some crazy Edward fan and I won't be pre-ordering any movie tickets to see book-based-movies like a crazed-fan. I simply enjoy her literature.

I think writers have an amazing role when they write books. How amazing it is to create a universe in which the reader can enter a new world as someone else. Where you're chased by villains, learn to fight and fall in love over and over...all from the safe boring harbor of your home...

Books open my perspective as well. They make me think more about thoughts and feelings and the way things work and the way people are. Somehow....the fictional characters and their fictional lives inspire me to do creative things and make me want to make something of myself. Which ultimately means the writer has inspired me. Again, I believe writers have an amazing calling and role.

Now...I may have jumped off the deep end now.... transformed into a hermit bookworm. But I haven't lost my mind. I know the Bible is the only book I need and is where I learn all that I need for life and love and adventure. And the Bible is where it all began...its where adventure, villains and war were birthed....and It's stories are true and alive. [[This is my disclaimer]]

Okay back to earth.

So i've been working on a pair of jeans....ripping them and distressing them... My creativity for the weekend:

This photo isn't that great...but I plan on wearing lace tights underneath to show through the rips and holes...yay:) Not really original....but I didn't have to spend 60 bucks on ruined jeans...I got to do it myself. ;)

My love interest keeps speaking of traveling the globe someday...Which I understand is something everyone says they'll do but the dreamers never actually fly across the pacific. But I have high hopes that I'll step foot on places my eyes have never drank in...maybe i'll stumble across a mermaid or two...I'm okay with traveling to neverland......

For now. I'm just hanging out, here in my safe haven of boredom.....

"Creativity takes courage." -Henri Matisse

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